Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Too Funny

Two different conversations with my son today:

let's pick it up in the middle of the conversation, after Son has repeatedly asked to go to WalMart. . .
Me: "We are not going to go to Wal-Mart today."
Son: "Fine.  I guess you don't want to be smart or live better."
It took me a second, but then I got it.  The thing is, he wasn't laughing--he was dead serious.

We're talking about his day's activities, where he went to a very fun place.
Me: "So you're telling me that you didn't have any fun there?"
Son: "Nope."
Me: "You had to have some fun."
Son: "Well if you call 99.9% boring 'some', then yes, I had some fun."
Simply dripping with optimism.

Had to blog it--didn't want to forget.


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