Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gratitude List

In no particular order:

  1. Jacob
  2. Emily
  3. Hyrum
  4. Anna
  5. Lizzie
  6. John
  7. Reed
  8. Patricia
  9. A mom-in-law that will drop everything to come help
  10. A father-in-law that is OK with his wife gone so much
  11. Jacob's grunting that I get to try to decipher.
  12. My children helping out so much.
  13. Jesus Christ
  14. My chance to serve others through a church calling
  15. Neighbors who love us.
  16. My boss
  17. My co-workers
  18. My job
  19. Family
  20. The lessons we learn from the scriptures
  21. Selfless doctors
  22. Amazing nurses
  23. Cars that work
  24. Nice music (currently listening to Jon Schmidt's Sunday Collection playlist from his website)
  25. A house
  26. Food
  27. That my kids have the best Mom
  28. Emily's singing
  29. Brian Regan (Emergency Room is probably my favorite)
  30. The rain
  31. The United States Constitution
  32. Our soldiers
  33. My church leaders
  34. My kids' primary teachers and YM leaders
  35. Swaggerwagon video (gotta see it if you've not)
  36. Good health
  37. Good friends
  38. Thoughtful children
  39. Good books
  40. Inspiration from others' words and examples.


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