Monday, April 21, 2008

Ants on a log

Got home at 7:15 last night to Hyrum waiting at the top of the stairs. He had a pen in hand and a stack of homemade menus on his little table.

"Free sample?", he asked as he handed me a wheat thin american cheese sandwich.

"Sure," I said. I ate it in one bite.

Then, he and Anna proceeded to serve me a nice meal, placing in front of me the menu items I chose.

Salad. With Catalina dressing.

Tater tots. Seven of them.

Some ramen.

Ice Water.

Then I noticed a bunch of celery on the cupboard and I mentioned that I was in the mood for ants on a log, even though it wasn't on the menu.

"No problem," Hyrum said. Then he proceeded to make one for me.

I was so happy.

I love my children.

And I love ants on a log.

1 Comment:

Jack Hazard said...

Ants on a log were my favorite part of lunch when I was in grade school. I must admit that I usually licked the peanut butter and raisins from the celery and disposed of the legumes.

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