Sunday, August 2, 2009

Scout Trip

Went to Camp Tracy with John, Reed, and some other 11-yr-old scouts this past weekend. It was a lot of fun. The boys learned how to shoot .22 rifles, archery, lashings, knots, first aid, nature, rowing, drug awareness, flag ceremonies, and other things. A highlight of the experience was witnessing the retirement of a flag. Did you know there are only two groups that can retire the American flag: the Boy Scouts and the Armed Forces? This gave me a renewed sense of gratitude for those that serve our country, and for the blessing I enjoy from being a citizen of the United States of America.

I am grateful for the Scouting program and those that serves therein. Truly, it is an inspired program, designed to strengthen boys, families, and the nation. I look forward to many more scouting experiences as my boys continue through the program.


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