Monday, August 13, 2007

Tennis, sporks, and some horrible singing

For FHE tonight we met up with Ryan and Sheryl and played some tennis at the elementary school. It was a lot of fun. Afterwards, we went to Maggie Moo's for some ice-cream; seemed like a bunch of people had that idea--way too crowded--so we skipped on over to KFC. The kids were hungry so we ended up getting more than just ice cream.

Hyrum is an astute listener. He often makes puns and comments about the lyrics of songs. In the midst of our meal, he suddenly says: "I could sure leave this singing--it's horrible!" This caught me off guard, then I listened to the chorus of the oldie (no, not a goodie) that was being played in the restaurant. The guy sang: "You can't leave me baby!" or something to that effect, so Hyrum's apparently random statement was actually a witty retort to the singer he found annoying. Hyrum's a quick one, and he usually dishes these out with a straight face.

I had an orange cream freeze, by the way; at least I ate about half of it, until I gave Anna a taste and she wanted to trade me her Strawberry shake. Hyrum and Anna each had cheeseburgers, John went for the twister (he was in heaven when he noticed how much bigger it was than a MacDonald's snack-wrap), and Reed ordered the Potato Bowl (John helped him finish it). Hyrum wanted more food because he had eyed Sheryl's mashed potatoes. More than anything he wanted to eat with a spork! So I told him that I would cook him some mashed potatoes and gravy when we got home if he was still hungry, and he could get a spork to bring home. He was so happy. As we drove away he asked: "How long can I keep my spork for?" When I told him he could have it for as long as he wanted, he replied: "You mean I can have it forever?!".

I have to admit. I like eating KFC mashed potatoes with a spork, too.


sunsetandcamden said...

I'm a fan of the spork too! And Hyrum's sense of humor.

patricia said...

I finally read it! I love you!!

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