Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lyrics are tough

This morning I was cooking breakfast for the family and Hyrum was waiting at the table. I was listening to one of my favorite CD's and the song was "I Stand All Amazed". All of a sudden, Hyrum says: "That's not wonderful, that he died!" I asked John if he could explain to Hyrum why those words were being sung. He told Hyrum that because Jesus died, we can all resurrect.

This reminded me of another time Hyrum confronted some lyrics he didn't like. He was in bed and we were listening to a Windham Hill Collection. There's a song where the chorus repeats the phrase "you take my breath away" a couple of times. All of a sudden, Hyrum blurts out: "Take my breath away? That's rude!" He was either 3 or 4 at the time.


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