Saturday, April 7, 2007

Breakfast for Dinner

From time to time I like to post journal entries. This way I will have a digital trail of our family goings-on.

Last night we had breakfast for dinner. We do that rather often. Each of the kids have their preferences and I don't mind making a couple different things. Hyrum likes most anything; he is the least picky. Last night he had a breakfast burrito with sausage, hash-browned potatoes (cubed, of course), eggs, and cheese (cheddar and jack mix). John and Reed also had a breakfast burrito. John likes his with salsam, but Reed does not. Anna ALWAYS needs to have German pancakes. 3 eggs, 1cup flour, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1 cup milk (mix in a blender to avoid flour clumps). She likes to eat them two at a time, stacked upon one another, butter, syrup, and cut up, please. Elizabeth likes scrambled eggs, and she also likes pancakes. I'm sure she'd love sausage, but we've not let her try that yet.

Meal time is sometimes hectic and so we play the "polite-dinner conversation." Patricia's sister and brother-in-law taught this to our children when they babysat them once. Hooray! One person asks a question and all need to respond. Questions like, "Where would you go on a vacation?" or something like that. Usually Anna asks Harry Potter themed questions. Hyrum asks Thomas the Tank Engine themed questions, and John and Reed either ask Tennis-themed questions or they ask people what they will buy them for their birthday. We didn't play that game last night, but I thought I would mention it as a family favorite.

1 Comment:

Drew said...

The "polite-dinner conversation" is a great idea I will remember.

I have a 3-year-old daughter, and a 1-year-old son, so it is a chore just to keep them from crying at the dinner table when we sit down. As we get older it will be very helpful to incorporate ideas such as these that you have shared.

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