Sunday, November 23, 2008

Big brother.

Dad walks in the front door from church meetings this morning and immediately encounters Lizzie (2 yrs old) at the tops of the steps.

"I scared. John and Reed and Anna and Hyrum scared me!" she said in a sorrowful voice.

"Here, let me give you a hug," says Dad as he picks her up. "Do you want to tell me what scared you."

"John and Reed and Anna and Hyrum. . .downstairs. . .there's a snake. . .and it was scarry!"

Patricia, who is in the kitchen, explains: "I think they're playing Harry Potter Scene-It downstairs."

Dad tries to console Lizzie with some reflective listening. "There was a snake? And it was scarry?"

Just then, Hyrum comes upstairs. He looks at Lizzie and uses a voice full of compassion and sympathy. "It's alright, Lizzie, " he begins. "You know what happens?," he continues, "a bird comes and pecks out the snake's eyes. And Harry Potter throws a rock and the snake follows it. . ."

Just as Dad is wondering if the news of a bird pecking out a snake's eyes will do anything to console Lizzie, she begins to smile. Hyrum is going on and one about the snake getting defeated, all the time with a cheerful and compassionate voice.

Lizzie laughs: "Funny snake!" she says and goes on her way.

Hyrum's the best.


Unknown said...

That is really cute, so hooray for Hyrum for thinking of a way to help Lizzie not be afraid of the snake.

Joanne Fetzer said...

Reflective listening: There is a new resource on the market that teaches parents, bosses, spouses, etc. how to use this skill effectively. Check out Dick Fetzer's new book called "PLEASE LISTEN TO ME! A CHRISTIAN'S GUIDE TO REFLECTIVE LISTENING." It can be found at or almost any online bookstore. It's a great tool for anyone who's interested in really hearing the heart of those around them and improving their relationships.

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